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Gregory Shine Daycare - TN
作者姓名:Matthew Thomson; Anthea Rowe;
出版日期:2012/06/01內容長度:10 頁

Teaching note for product 9B12A004.

Gregory Shine Daycare
作者姓名:Matthew Thomson; Anthea Rowe;
商品類型:Case (Gen Exp)商品編號:9B12A004
出版日期:2012/02/24內容長度:9 頁

The executive director of a daycare is trying to figure out how to address legal, financial and safety issues stemming from an incident - two months ago, a two-year old boy had broken his leg. Despite having no formal training in public relations or crisis management, the executive director felt she had handled the incident reasonably well: it seemed as though everything at the daycare had returned to normal. Still, the executive director couldn’t .....more